11 Jan 2014

Home educators go bargain hunting!

On Thursday morning , Mr curious had his hospital check up (he has fructose malabsorption), he always looks forward to these appointments, as the outpatient waiting room has a huge play area which is well equipped with an array of interesting toys  ( I have to restrain myself from joining them in the playhouse!). After his chat with the specialist, they both wanted to go back to the waiting area for some additional fun! Thus, we spent an extra hour in the hospital with the children playing noisily and happily and me sitting contentedly reading the next chapter of my book.
The amusement certainly did not end at the hospital. It was a dry and rather warm day, so Mr Curious and Miss Delightful, jointly decided, that the next stop should be the park. On our way to the bus stop though, we came by a lovely charity shop and Mr Curious promptly proceeded to enter the shop. "I thought you wanted to go to the park," said I. "We have to check the book case, in case they have a bargain!", retorted Mr Curious. And bargain, we did find.


After browsing the extensive collection of books for over an hour, Mr Curious chose eight Michael Mopurgo books. He was thrilled with his find! 

He also made a set of books for his sister, although she cannot read independently yet, he loves reading to her sometimes. His choice could not have been better, they are beautifully illustrated and short enough to keep her attention.

When we reached the pay point, Mr Curious squealed with delight! The shop assistant looked up in absolute shock, and I must say, until then, I really had not paid much notice to the noises he had made. I must have become too accustomed to his sudden outbursts of joy, anger, irritation or frustration, all expressed vocally. But in front of a total stranger, I had to act, apologetic ( to her ) and annoyed (with him). " You must be very excited about your new books..." I had barely started speaking to him when he cut through my sentence, now practically shrieking! " I NEED this book too! OH PLEASE MAMA! PLEASE ! PLEASE ! PLEASE!" " I promise to empty the dishwasher everyday , even without being asked!". The shop assistant was, by this time, looking at me with deep consternation (I am sure she was thinking, but not asking, why is this child not in school? oh! so, you keep him at home as free labour!)


 Joke books are an all time favourite of Mr Curious, so I could never have refused buying one from the charity shop! Oh Mr Curious! you never cease to embarrass your mama in public!

The consequent trip to the park was not uneventful either. After our sandwich lunches,  I could no longer hold, Mr Curious and Miss Delightful, from running, jumping and swinging. 






Two hours later, Mr Curious complained, that I was to be held responsible for his achy fingers, as I  had failed to tell him that the park equipments would be cold to the touch! He explained that although he knew they were made of metal, I should have reminded him that we were in winter!  Next, Miss Delightful slipped on the wet grass and was covered in mud. Mr Curious was adamant that one of the children had pushed her, although he had not witnessed the incidence, and she was unsure herself as to how it happened. Luckily, she was wearing a waterproof coat and I was carrying wet wipes in my bag ( those who have young kids know only too well how valuable these wipes are!). She was soon cleaned up, but was now starving! " I CAN, NOT, WAIT, UNTIL we reach the cafe! I NEED, FOOD, NOW!", howled Miss Delightful.

Did I mention it was a homeschool day?

Read more about our days here

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